Monday, 4 January 2010

First new year session

I had my first session of the new year yesterday after a few days off playing & it was as if I'd forgotten everything! My play wasn't awesome, I'd slipped back into station mode & was generally playing weak. It does tend to happen more when I have a large amount of time to play rather than a set hour or so. I'm thinking my mentality is geared toward the volume aspect of play rather than making the right play.

The return to work may be a blessing in disguise! It'll give me back the stucture I need & the ability to commit set blocks of time for playing or studying.

I've decided to review my sessions on a diferent day to when I played. I'm not convinced I'll review the games with a clear mind & impartial view, this way it should benefit me more without having the emotion involved from that session.

- Run Good

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