Friday, 15 January 2010

Sleeping Donkey

I seem to have hit a tough spot recently & I'm fully aware it's due to bad play. I need to get my head back into the fundementals otherwise I'm going to see all my profit wiped out. I'm such a fucking donk. I'm not sure if it's my new sleeping pattern has left me tired, admitedly I am still tired now & it's midday!

Looking at where I need to be by the end of the month:

150 games - slightly behind
15% ROI - behind
$2 level - behind
Reviewing regularly - on target
Posting on 2+2 - sporadic
Read book - FAIL!

If I'm going to suceed I need to learn from my errors & take them onboard quicker. I guess one lesson I need to take is that I'm realising (yet again) is setting a volume target isn't helping. I'm playing to hit the numbers & not to play well. If I concentrate more on playing well I can improve to a good ROI which is better than hitting the volume which can come later.

- Run Good

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