So I put another session in this morning of 5 games & finished 3-2 which isn't awesome but it's a step in the right direction. I think I've been looking too far ahead & I've probably said this before. I haven't reviewed my whole session, but I took a look at my first game which I lost & I played pretty solid apart from one mistake where I tried to make a bluff in a big pot & got punished for it. It's spots like these where I get caught up in my old ways. Thinking my opponent is bluffing so I bluff back without a hand, only it turns out it's only me bluffing!
I'm about a dollar down for the month & I'm actually pretty confident I can wipe that out before the end of the month & I'm just gonna write this month off & put it down to experience.
I've been reading a book by Dalai Lama on happiness & it mentions you have to train your brain to not think negatively which I think would work for me when it comes to my attitude toward poker. Bt the point I want to make is he mentioned some research carried out on the human brain. They asked a bunch of people to tap ther finger on the desk repeatedly & they took a scan of their brain. Then they asked these people to go home & practice for 2 weeks & come back. These subjects came back & found they were able to tap faster & longer but when they scanned their brain found it had reconfigured slightly in light of the new knowledge & techniques they had learnt. I found this a really interesting concept & really backs up the idea that the best way to learn about poker is volume. I know I need to do this myself, but I found myself making the same damn mistakes without thinking about what I was doing or reflecting upon my game.
- Run Good
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