Saturday, 24 April 2010

May is on it's way - Get busy

There is a week left of April, it's been a pretty shitty month IMO. I tilted pretty badly to start out which saw me lose 16BIs after a 1st day winning session 5 BIs. This put me in a horrible place, I sent Hokie 6 of my spewy games which was def a mistake but in a way I' glad I had this bad time, because it spurred me on to getting coaching & that can only help my game & make me a better player.

I want to concentrate a portion of my time on dealing with my mental game. I've got a few books that look at the subject, I guess the one I want to start with which is often talked about is The Poker Mindset. I had attempted to read it some months ago but never really gave it a fair chance. So I'm going to make sure its in my May goals. Hopefully, this book will give me at least one bit of advise I can practically use to stave off those tilt demons.

Another book I recently purchased was Outliers: The Story of Success. This has been on my wishlist for sometime, I've heard it mentioned by a number of people both from 2+2/poker world and a couple of people from my 'normal' world. So after I had a discussion with another HUSNG player & he recommended it as a good book I thought it was time I got hold of a copy. I'm not sure if I'm going to get the chance to read it throughout May but I'm certainly going to read it June, given I have a week holiday for a family wedding - plenty of time to chill out & get away from work/grind.

My volume target is currently off by 23 games with 6 days to go meaning I need to average over 9 games for the remainder of the month. This is primarily because I've not played enough days, 50% of the time this month I've not played anything. This is in part due to me taking a week off due to bad play/tilt but also I got out of my schedule of waking early & got into the habit of hitting the snooze button. I played 10 games this morning in the space of 90 mins. If I can hit this sort of volume on a daily basis I only need to get up at 6am or just before.

Looking at my Stars games, I had I pretty shitty session yesterday when I dropped 5 BIs, this has left me at +$3 for the month over 82 games which sucks pretty bad as I was pretty my on my target for $20 on Stars  for the month until then. But, I've still got 6 days to pull it back so until the month is over, nothing is over.

Unless something goes horribly wrong in the next week, next time I write will prolly be Thur/Fri when I've decided what my goals are going to be for the month of May, just before I review my April goals at the weekend.

- Good luck at the tables.


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